Accelerate to discover

EV's and Nanoparticles in "Full Spectrum View" with the new Cytek ESP module

Cytek’s Enhanced Small Particle (ESP) Detection Option expands the capability of your Cytek Aurora or Cytek Northern Lights system to resolve and identify extracellular vesicles (EVs) and small particles.

Jul 19, 2024

Technical breakthrough
Product news

Automatic, Real Time Acquisition of Bioluminescent Kinetic Curves

Watch this pre-recorded webinar with Dr. Andrew Van Praagh to learn how our new Aura software feature —Kinetics— enables users to automatically acquire bioluminescent kinetic curve data in real time

Jun 27, 2024

Product news

Accelerate your biomedical research

"Cytek Aurora is an excellent cytometer for all scientists that want to perform deep immunophenotyping experiments. For us it is an essential tool that enables us to go easily above 30 parameters in our flow cytometry panels and therefore allows us to study the immune system with an unprecedented resolution. Furthermore, our users love the Aurora, thanks to the easy-to-use SpectroFlow software"

Dr Jan Musil

Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ÚHKT)

Hypoxia in the Tumor Immune Microenvironment (TIME)

Thursday, 11 July 2024, 16:00 CET | 10:00 EST
Zaver M. Bhujwalla, PhD
Professor, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Jun 6, 2024


Theranostics: From Mice to Men and Back

Recorded webinar
Presenters: Prof. Dr. Ken Herrmann and Prof. Dr. Katharina Lückerath – Moderator: Hannah Notebaert

Jun 25, 2024

Scientific paper

New release now available: Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 Software

The new Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 image analysis software features an integrated transfer learning algorithm, an option to add external models, and new image gallery display tools.

Jun 17, 2024

Technical breakthrough
Product news

Accelerate your biomedical research

"Blue Pippin is great system for automated electrophoresis, which allows us to collect fragments with lenght over 10k bp.The system is very precise and easy to use."

Dr. Jaroslav Hrabák

Biomedical Center, Pilsen, Czech Republic

Orion 2024 AACR poster: 17-plex single-step stain and imaging of cell Lung Carcinoma

RareCyte Orion is a benchtop, high resolution, whole slide multimodal imaging instrument. A combination of quantitative immunofluorescence and bright field imaging enables robust spatial biology studies and biomarker quantitation.

Jun 21, 2024

Technical breakthrough
Product news

Cytek webinar: Imaging Flow Cytometry for Chromosomal Assessment in Hematological Malignancies

In this webinar, we will describe a new innovative approach we developed that resolves these limitations. The method called “Immuno-flowFISH”: immunophenotyping, flow cytometry, and FISH uses the Cytek Amnis ImageStreamX Mk II  imaging flow cytometer

Jun 7, 2024

Technical breakthrough
Product news

X-RAD 320 for irradiation therapy during quantifying study for in vivo collagen reorganization

Quantifying in vivo collagen reorganization during immunotherapy in murine melanoma with second harmonic generation imaging

Jun 5, 2024

Scientific paper

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