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EV's and Nanoparticles in "Full Spectrum View" with the new Cytek ESP module

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Cytek’s Enhanced Small Particle (ESP) Detection Option expands the capability of your Cytek Aurora or Cytek Northern...

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Automatic, Real Time Acquisition of Bioluminescent Kinetic Curves

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Watch this pre-recorded webinar with Dr. Andrew Van Praagh to learn how our new Aura software feature —Kinetics—...

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New release now available: Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 Software

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Cytek webinar: Imaging Flow Cytometry for Chromosomal Assessment in Hematological Malignancies

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In this webinar, we will describe a new innovative approach we developed that resolves these limitations. The method...

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Cytek SpectroFlo Software Version 3.3 has been released!

Mar 25, 2024

Single color controls and autofluorescence extraction are not necessary for every assay. With SpectroFlo software version 3.3, you can treat the Cytek Aurora system like a conventional flow cytometer, looking only at the peak channel for each fluorochrome. This allows users to perform conventional compensation, while also simplifying daily assays where single color controls are not typically collected (e.g. cell cycle analysis).

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Related technologies: Spectral flow cytometry

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Riccardo Pasculli

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+420 731 127 717

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Cytek Biosciences

Cytek provides compact and affordable flow cytometry instruments with multiplexing capability that streamlines workflows and delivers a high level of biological clarity for a majority of applications.

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Clinical spectral flow cytometer reaching 34 colors with three lasers

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A prodigy that takes flow cytometry to the next level, with up to five lasers and 64 fluorescence channels

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A high-capacity sorter fueled by Cytek’s innovative full spectrum technology

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