May 24-25, 2016, faculty of Medicine, Palacký University Olomouc, Hněvotínská 3, Olomouc, Czech Republic
NovoCyte Flow Cytometer - Conventional Benchtop Cytometer
Powerful, intuitive and fully automated. The NovoExpress software newly upgraded, is intuitive and easy to use. Flexible analysis templates and plotting tools offer enhanced data analysis efficiency.
FlowSight - Imaging Cytometer
Integrates flow cytometry and microscopy to advance discovery. The FlowSight operates like a conventional flow cytometer but also provides imagery of every cell. Powerful and intuitive analysis software seamlessly links quantitative data to imagery.
Scindo - Cell Sorter
The new Scindo Cell Sorter, is the first truly affordable high speed sorter. It sets the new standard for compactness, flexibility, and ease of use. The Swift is a complete cell sorter system that provides everything that you need to sort cells quickly and easily: compressor, vacuum pump, computer, high resolution display, and software.