
"In our lab, we use microCT Skyscan 1276 for visualization of vasculature and cancer in mice model. Xtreme II is powerful tool for molecular imaging. In our research group, Xtreme II is commonly used to assess the biodistribution of novel drug candidates in small animal model."

Adam Novobilský, Ph.D.

Dept. Pharmacology and Immunotherapy, Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic

SkyScan 1278 - Bruker Biospin

The world’s fastest, low-dose, high-resolution micro-CT

The new SkyScan 1278 micro-CT system for in vivo imaging is addressing the needs of scientists working in the exciting areas of physiological response to disease and regenerative medicine. Many researchers strive to reduce the levels of radiation used in animal studies. Lower levels reduce the risk of associated complications, but any system that offers this advantage must not compromise on the quality of images produced. As part of the development of the SkyScan 1278, Bruker has created a new micro-CT spatial beam shaper, which reduces the absorbed dose by up to five times while maintaining high quality image output.

The SkyScan 1278 has a highly sensitive flat-panel detector that is able to deliver images of mouse heart and lung activities without using a contrast agent. Such images allow the user to explore cardiac and respiratory function and gain new insights, while reducing animal stress and the cost of the study. A full-body animal scan can take 8 seconds or less, thus reducing overall run times and increasing the speed of data collection. The system has many innovative features built-in to assist with study workflow. An integrated touchscreen allows the SkyScan 1278 to be controlled without users needing to remove their gloves. Results can be directly sent to mobile devices, including iPad, iPhone and Android devices for volume rendering and manipulations using the software supplied. The system will also send an e-mail with a direct link to the results for review.

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Miroslav Vecheta

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+420 210 323 421

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